The current version of the Þ spec is about to be deprecated. Learn more about v0.3, arriving 28th February 2023.Learn more

The Block Protocol

The open standard for block-based apps

The Þ Block Protocol enables applications to make their interfaces infinitely extensible with interoperable components known as blocks

What are blocks?

Blocks are individual front-end components that display data. They allow regular users to edit their contents without needing to write code.

Blocks can be simple and static, like an image or a text block, or they can be more complex, like a checklist or chart block.

Users typically select blocks from a list

Users select the type of block they want, then add it to their page, dashboard, or canvas. They can add content to the block, edit it, or manipulate it to do what they need.

Today, blocks are confined to single apps and websites

Every app has to build all of their own blocks. This means developers are rebuilding the same block types over and over.

Open source components can save some time, but still need to be individually integrated.

This also limits how many blocks users have access to in any single application.

Block Protocol blocks
are interoperable

No extra configuration required: blocks that adhere to the Block Protocol work out the box in any application which also uses the protocol.

Available for instant use ecosystem-wide: any developer can build a world-class block for themselves or others to enjoy.

Specialized blocks everywhere: blocks can solve specific user needs that individual application developers don’t have the time, awareness or expertise to build.

Convergence on semantic data structures: blocks make it easy to capture and work with typed data - often even more convenient than inputting information in an unstructured fashion.

Application developers

Add new blocks to your app with
zero marginal implementation cost

Give your users access to an ever-growing library of high-quality blocks.
Once the Þ is supported, blocks work out the box, and your users get access to powerful blocks that enable them to do more within your application.

Learn more about embedding Þ blocks

Þ blocks work in

Coming soon

Block developers

Build blocks that work across the web

Rather than develop blocks separately for multiple platforms, build your block once and let users access them in HASH, WordPress, GitHub Blocks and Figma (coming soon).

Block Users

Tap into blocks in any supporting application

Access a whole world of blocks on the Þ Hub to extend the functionality of the apps you use, and enjoy high-quality, consistent interfaces across applications.

Build blocks in any framework

Blocks can be built with Web Components, React, Vue, TypeScript, Angular, or simply plain HTML. The protocol only defines how blocks communicate with the application they’re embedded within, not how they should be built.

Build using whatever technologies you love most.

export const App: BlockComponent<AppProps> = ({
}) => { 
  const [ toDoList, setToDoList ] = useState(data);

  return (
    <div className="container">
      <div className="date-title">
      <div className=”list”>
        { => {

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Publish blocks to the Þ Hub

Create and use blocks that work in any application that supports the protocol

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Access the open-source Hub and embed blocks you need

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@pizza goes fast 🍕